Sunday, December 25, 2016

B.Com (Vocational - Taxation) 1996 Batch Alumni Re-Union Day

 To traverse the pathways of nostalgia, the esteemed alumni of the inaugural batch (1996-97) of B.Com (Vocational Course - Tax Practices and Procedure) at MGM College orchestrated an Alumni Reunion Day on December 26, 2016. This event served as an occasion for a cherished reunion, as well as a platform to honor the faculty members who ardently contributed to imparting tax education. The gathering was graced by 13 accomplished alumni who have etched their marks both in their professional lives and personal pursuits.

The event was thoughtfully held in Room No. 27, a space imbued with historical significance as it was where the first batch had predominantly attended their taxation classes. This gathering was orchestrated in commemoration of the completion of two decades since the inception of the B.Com (Vocational Course - Tax Practices and Procedure) at MGM College, Udupi.

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The distinguished guests for the event included:

  1. Prof. Shreesha Acharya, the former Principal, who catalyzed the commencement of the B.Com (Voc) course at MGM College in 1994.
  2. CA Ananthanarayana Pai, the visionary founder faculty who conceptualized and pioneered the course's curriculum and teaching methodologies.
  3. Prof. P. Dayananda Shetty, the former Head of the Department of Commerce at MGM College.
  4. CA Ganesh Y, who imparted knowledge on Indirect Taxes to the alumni.
  5. Dr. Sureshramana Mayya, the current Head of the Department of Commerce and Director of the B.Com Vocational Course at MGM.

Speaking at the event, CA Ananthanarayana Pai eloquently highlighted the remarkable achievements of the first batch. He took pride in the fact that the vocational course alumni are now holding esteemed positions in renowned financial organizations, public sector undertakings, private sector enterprises, and academic institutions. Many have even ventured into successful entrepreneurship, generating employment opportunities for others. CA Pai personally recognized and addressed each member of the first batch by their names, an astonishing feat after two decades. He also reminisced about the pre-digital era, when students had to refer to books without the aid of the internet, and contrasted it with the digital natives of today.

Prof. P. Dayananda Shetty shared his valuable experiences with the first batch of the Vocational Course, while Prof. Shreesha Acharya provided insight into the course's inception and his enduring connection with MGM Commerce students. He lauded the students for their commitment to returning to their alma mater and encouraged faculty to incorporate topics related to land records, technical terms, legal issues, and more into the syllabus.

CA Ganesh offered insights into the challenges faced during the development of the syllabus in 1994 and how he embraced continuous learning through his association with MGM Taxation Course. Dr. Sureshramana Mayya shed light on the department's dedication to upholding the legacy set by past educators. He emphasized that the course continues to attract diligent students and acknowledged the efforts of CA Sridhar Kamath in maintaining its quality.

The event commenced with a brief history of the course. Notably, the first batch of the Vocational Course yielded several Chartered Accountants, including one who is a CPA serving in Melbourne, Australia. CA Suresh Prabhu extended a warm welcome to all attendees, and the alumni from the inaugural batch felicitated the faculty members who had guided them in their tax studies.

Despite Prof. Anand Bhat (First Vocational Director) being unable to attend, his heartfelt message was conveyed by CA Shridhar Kamath. Thirteen students from the first batch graced the event, and as a token of appreciation, roses were presented to them. Additionally, three students from the batch shared their student life experiences, which added a sentimental touch to the proceedings. Many present students of the B.Com Vocational Course also attended this extraordinary event.

The program was skillfully compered by Mr. Ashrith Kotiyan, a Final Year B.Com Vocational Course Student and President of the Student Welfare Council at MGM College. The event concluded with a vote of thanks offered by CA Suresh Prabhu, the visionary behind this exceptional program. Ms. Chithra Rao and Ms. Mamatha of the Department of Commerce provided essential logistical support, while Mr. Ramesh Karla and Ms. Vanitha of the same department were also present to witness the memorable event.

ಭೋಜರಾವ್‌ ಕಂಪೌಂಡ್, ಗೋಪಾಲ ಮಾಸ್ಟ್ರು ಹಾಗೂ ಶಾರದಾ ಟೀಚರ್

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